What's Left

"You actually allow the time for thoughts to emerge, time which allows space for those present to think and respond, for me there is no length that is too long to listen to thoughtful, insightful human beings thinking through very layered and complex topics. It's a radical act to do it. An act of resistance to allow time to be slowed down enough to think (& feel)."

"One of my favorite things about What's Left is how you all have these remarkable discussions with no fear of judgment (or being perceived as judging) even when you disagree. It's a nice change from the echo chamber environment so pervasive in today's world."

"I watch your channel because of the way you discuss ideas - there is a sense of open-endedness and sharing of process that doesn't come across in more heavily curated spaces."

Find out about our medical freedom group: Workers & Students for Choice

Flailing in Education

We all know the education system is broken, but for those of us in education (Andy, Eduardo), what do we do about it? Today, we give an update on our attempts to make our way in the education system and share our frustration and failure to figure out exactly what to do. Check us out!

Lavender, AI and the War on Humanity

The Israeli publications +972 and Local Call have exposed how the Israeli military used an artificial intelligence program known as Lavender to develop a "kill list" in Gaza that includes as many as 37,000 Palestinians who were targeted for assassination with little human oversight. We invite everyone to check out the article as we discuss it as we connect how what's happening in Gaza will eventually happen to us all.

Rung By Rung Up the Escalation Ladder

Today we reflect on Iran's recent retaliation on Israel. What does it mean in the midst of other strategic wars going on? World War III? Take a dive with us.

The Coming Trump Presidency

John Klyczek and Andy discuss the likelihood of Trump winning the next US Presidential election and what his election would mean for US geopolitics.

Candace Cancelled

Eduardo and Andy reflect on the meaning of Candace Owen's recent firing at the Daily Wire due to her position on the Israeli war on Gaza and the Palestinians. Cancel culture rears its head again but this time from the Right. Does this matter? We think so and we discuss why? Check us out!

Uncle Aaron

In loving memory of Aaron Libson(1938 - 2024): father, worker, communist, activist, friend and Uncle, Rest In Peace and Love.

Catching Up with John Klyczek 

It's been a while since we had our friend John Klyczek on the show. We decided to invite him on to tell us what he's been up to and what sort of things going on in the world are on his mind. As usual, the discussion takes us to some interesting and unexpected places…from the Greek Orthodox Church to the RAND corporations funding futurist dystopias of social planning and control. Check us out!

A Letter Opposed to Open Borders: WL? Responds

One of our viewers takes the time to draft a thoughtful letter telling us why they oppose open borders. What's Left? Shares that letter and gives our response to some of the thoughts expressed in it.

Dual Citizens

It's What's Left?'s 300th episode! Thanks to everyone that has come along for this journey we have been on together. Today, Eduardo and Gema discuss how their being raised in two different countries influenced their political belief and how they express themselves.

Two Years of War in Ukraine…Does NATO Enter Next?

Today we take a look back two years in at the war in Ukraine with recent discussions on NATO troops potentially being involved. Our thoughts on a top NATO general's analysis has us put the war in context to current events happening and our bleak future.

Tucker Carlson, Mike Benz & the Censorship State of America

This we look more deeply at the Interview of Mike Benz (from Foundation for Freedom Online) and what it tells us about the history and state of censorship in the United States. We also consider what lessons the information holds for the freedom movement in the US (and around the globe).

Nayib Bukele: World's Coolest Dictator

What's Left discuss the recent re-election of Nayib Bukele as President of El Salvador. He gets things done but is also increased state powers dramatically. Nevertheless, if he is a dictator, he is a popular one who received over 85% of the popular vote. What do you do when the public demands the State crack down on a portion of the population with an iron fist? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? 

The State, the Left and the State of the Left

Jeff Strahl joins us on "What's Left?" to talk about the origins of the terms "Right" and "Left" and asks the question "Should we even build the Left?". And if you do choose to build the Left, what exactly are you building? This gets us to a discussion on the role of the State and issues about the nature of Left politics.

Duped by the Texas Border Boondoggle!

Today we bring up the Texas-Biden Border dispute as it relates to our fight against more surveillance and data collection and what it means for the possibility of actually building a freedom movement.

What Happened to the Left that We Left?

Gema, Eduardo and Andy return to 2018 and try and figure out what happened to the Left we felt we were a part of and try and figure out how it became the toxic mess it is today.

Who Controls the World?

In what amounts to a part II of our discussion last week about Whitney Webb's ideas on what's behind the push for Central Bank Digital Currency push, Andy and Kenny discuss another Whitney Webb interview (this time with Kim Iversen) where they discuss "Who's behind all this?" And try to get to the root of the problems that accumulate around the globe.

Whitney Webb, Fabio Vighi and Central Bank Digital Currency

Kenny and Andy discuss a recent interview of Whitney Webb by Jimmy Dore as they discuss the likelihood of a generate crisis event to implement central bank digital currency. We talk about it in the context of two articles written by Marxist Fabio Vighi(here and here) who talks about the role of crisis as a mechanism of ruling class control. Check us out!

Who are the Houthis?

Today, we discuss the War in Gaza slowly become a regional war as more players are drawn into the battle. Many expected to hear about groups like Hezbollah or countries like Lebanon, Turkey or Iran, but surprisingly a new group has emerged on the world stage, the Houthis from Yemen. They are known as Ansar Allah (which means 'Partisan of God". Who are these people and what does their fight mean for the prospects of US defeat and the inexorable push towards global war?

Richard Medhurst Clip

Thacker Pass: The People (and Planet) vs The Green New Deal

Today we cover the occupation at Thacker Pass, a lithium clay mine in Humboldt County, Nevada. It is one of the largest lithium deposits in the world. Writer and organiser, Max Wilbert has been one of the leading protectors of the wild desert land and, alongside fellow occupiers, has been camping out at the site. Wilbert co-founded Protect Thacker Pass with Will Falk, occupier and lawyer of this environmental effort. In this episode we cover the basics of what's happening on the ground, why this is important, and set up our discussion for our interview with Max Wilbert in our next episode. Check us out!

Where's "What's Left?"

AI: Shut It Down!

Today we discuss the growing attention on Artificial Intelligence (AI). We have mentioned its development as it relates to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. But today we dedicate, one of many to come, an episode solely on it and its threat. ChatGPT, self-Driving cars, lethal robots, artistic robots, DeepMind, Bard, etc... the world as we know it is in jeopardy. Our very human existence is at stake. Check us out.

Eduardo & Andy: 5 Years Later

It's just the two of us taking a moment to look back at our very first episode of What's Left? when it was just Andy and Eduardo. This, as we approach our 5 year anniversary of What's Left?. Check us out!

Swallowing Lies

Today, we look at another side of the Big Pharma industry. So far, we've discussed it in the context of COVID but today we examine this industry from the perspective of meds as the solution for all mental health issues. Check us out.

The Trump/Tik Tok Distraction

Today we grab two prominent headliners and share out take on them: Trump's indictment and the "Tik ToK Ban". What do we make of the increasing power that will be given to the government if we allow this to pass? Check us out.

Together at Last!

Today we take the personal lane and talk about our experience with Jessica's visit to the Bay Area. Sit back and enjoy the stories.

SVB: From Boom to Bust

Robert Doyle joins Eduardo and Andy (since Jessica couldn't make the episode due to a power outage) in a discussion of the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank. Robert has worked at several banks at the C-Suite level and joins us to discuss why this happened and what does this mean for our future. BTW - Sorry for the lateness of the episode. Jessica is visiting us in the Bay Area so all of us are tied up having fun together and that delayed its release.

New Life in a Dystopian World

After a long hiatus our co-host Kenny joins us to give us an update about his life and share his journey along with his partner Crystal. We take a look at the displacement of beloved longtime San Franciscan residents' pressure to exit The City, Crystal's experience in the non-profit sector, their pregnancy, their navigation in the medical system, Kenny's factory job, and what they hope the future holds for them. Here goes our episode—especially for our listeners/viewers asking, "Where's Kenny?"—check us out.

The Lab Leak Conspiracy

Today we discuss Twitter Files and Lab Leak after the FBI Director came out and declared the "lab leak was most likely." We share our personal take on this and unresolved differences. Check us out.

Is Anarchism the Answer? Labels, Liberation & Realizing a Revolution

Today we hear Jessica and Eduardo's personal political journeys on Anarchism. What Anarchism means for them, what are their ideals, and how they see their political actions reflecting those ideals. Check it out.

Something Stinks in East Palestine, OH

A 150-car freight train operated by Norfolk Southern derailed and a so-called controlled burn released toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio the first week of february and fell almost unnoticed until recently. Today we discuss the environmental effects and its impact on its residents which only shows how across the nation our working class communities are exploited. We also delve into how we can take up action on a local level sharing personal experiences to be in solidarity with others. Check us out.

Medical Malpractice: Virology as Ideology (Part 2)

We continue our discussion with writer & Marxist Tom from Germany on his second installment of his four part piece "Virology as Ideology". In Part II: The Military-Academic-Industrial-Medico-Scientific Complex (MAIMS) Tom asks us to reexamine the assumption that the commodities produced by the MAIMS complex as always carrying a genuine use-value for consumers. That what is sold to us by providers, insurers, and governments is actually imposed onto us. Check us out!

Science Fiction: Virology as Ideology (Part 1)

Today, we interview writer & Marxist, Tom from Germany discussing Part 1 of his four part critique of science under Capitalism entitled "Virology as Ideology. A critique of Ruling Class Pseudoscience". Tom shares his critique with us of science not just driven by the pursuit of profits but by the need of our rulers to control and the ideological role science plays under Capitalism. Tom belongs part of a Leftist working group Freie Linke Zukunft (Free Left Future) that was formed out of the struggle of COVID and its lockdown impositions in Germany. . Check us out.

Ukraine, Russia & the United States: This Doesn't End Well

Today we continue our coverage of the "Ukrainian War" as we near its one year anniversary. As with past wars, the narrative of each war shapes the way we think about them through the media. Much of what is left out has others scrambling to find those missing pieces. Our co-host Andy has taken a deep dive into the weeds of this conflict and shares with us his perspective of what he predicts is to come. Check us out.

Transhumanism: Digital End Times

From genetic engineering to artificial intelligence, transhumanism - the way of the future is upon us. What does this mean for us? Today we discuss the issues of this "posthuman" life and it's possible endgame.

Transgenderism (part 2): Men and Women

Today we take on PART II of our topic on transgenderism. We tackle questions of fluidity, the spectrum of differences and how we see that fit in our movement. Does it matter that there are these differences? Check out our episode as we take on these challenging questions.

Transgenderism: Psyop or Liberation Movement? 

Jessica, Eduardo and Andy carry on our discussion from a year ago about our thoughts on transgenderism and what role it might play in moving the fight for liberation forward or backward. Check us out!

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